Production Year: 2023

Web & Social Media

Get informed.

Be prepared.

Get involved.

Although the Emergency Preparedness Guidebook is effective for in person training, the information was not reaching a broad enough audience. The goal is to reach as many Angelenos as possible about emergency preparedness. Therefore, the use of social media, including YouTube videos will help to reach that goal.

The goal was to obtain followers, increase the voice and reach of the brand, and communicate awareness on emergency preparedness through social media. To achieve this, designs were made across various teams in order to tie together brand and content identity, use iconography & visuals that are easily digestible and uniform, and overall allow the content to reach as many individuals as possible.

Consistent Elements

Consistent Headlining Carousel Slide

Consistent Ending Carousel Slide

Logo Containing Full Color Palette

Adverse Weather

Extreme Hot & Cold


The posts themselves are created to feel connected to the overall theme of disaster preparedness, but also maintain a consistent theme throughout the individual topics in order to let viewers know when topics are related to each other (through the use of visual cues).

The goal was to have an overall theming style for the posts to allow Instagram viewers to know when they are viewing useful Disaster Preparedness information (through the use of consistent elements, as seen with the header logo and subtitle on each post), and using logos such as the one seen to the left of the topic to help bring about a sense of unity and let the user know that they were part of a grouping.

Wildland Fires

Places of Worship

The client (LAFD) wanted to be sure that there was a clear and easy to follow categorization for each of the info, to allow easy access and clear search functionality for users to be able to find specific information rapidly regarding a plethora of situations.

As a result, there are primary groupings (Adverse Weather, Home Safety, etc), followed by secondary groupings (Extreme Temperatures, Places of Worship, etc), and tertiary groupings (Hot & Cold Weather, Before/During/After A Fire, etc) to allow for this functionality to easily occur.

Home Safety

Power Outages

Home Safety Check & Utilities

Alongside Disaster Preparedness, the LAFD also has pages detailing how to access vital utilities and sought clear and informative graphics for what these utilities should look like and how to operate them effectively.

These posts detail specific uses and display detailed operations through clear visuals in order to help convey exactly how a viewer can find these tools and operate them without having to rely purely on textually delivered information.

Large Animal Preparedness

Domestic Safety

Calling 9-1-1 & Active Shooter Prep

Terrorism Response & Identification